NamasteCorona - Coronavirus Tracker Android App

This is tracker and help information android application for the new coronavirus (2019-nCoV). It’s uses basic API for tracking. For api you can check repository which is nicely develop and maintain by ExpDev07 (Specially thanks to contributor for this). You can see country wise and province wise data with searching feature. You can see all location point and data count on Map, and Rendered information statistics with the help of charts.

Worldwide chart country / province wise Map How To Stay Safe
image image image image

Live global stats (provided by fight-covid19/bagdes) from this API:**

Covid-19 Confirmed Covid-19 Recovered Covid-19 Deaths


The data comes from the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (nCoV) Data Repository, provided by JHU CCSE . It is programmatically retrieved using API (Not store anywhere).

Set Endpoints

You need to setup your server part which is written in python by ExpDev07 For api you can check repository which is nicely develop and maintain by ExpDev07 And then set end point in file

For Map : You can add your api key for google map. used lib for Google Maps Clustering

Feature ✨



Please welcome if anyone want to contribute with above feature on other different feature. Also please welcome to add How to stay safe information in besafe.html file which is available in asset folder.


The application is available to the public strictly for educational and research purposes only.